
【SDC】轉眼34年721出道紀念系列 -《風車寓言》

日期: 2017年7月18日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

轉眼34年721出道紀念系列 -《風車寓言》

Dicky為大家帶來的美好回憶除了不同劇集角色外, 當然也少不了歌聲🎶 藉著7.21出道紀念日的來臨, 與大家重溫Dicky的一些非主打side track歌曲, 同樣好聽的啊👍🏻 不輸主打歌呢😉 好不容易才精選出這幾首, 因為好多首歌曲都很喜歡啊, 選擇困難症😂😂

「轉眼34年721出道紀念系列」之《風車寓言》, 收錄於1998年推出的唱片《I Don’t Wanna Say Good-bye》。十分欣賞副歌部份的歌詞「人生不過一場雲煙 即使失敗不必可憐」就像Dicky的正能量☀️ 大佬你把聲咁靚你一定要多多唱歌啊😍

Dicky gave us loads of memories, through both his drama characters and his songs. 🎶 As 7.21 is Dicky’s debut anniversary, will share some of Dicky’s side tracks😉 All of them are very good👍🏻

34th Debut Anniversary Series: “Dable of Windmill” in 1998. Lyrics of this song is very meaningful☀️ It tells that there are always difficulties in lives, what we can do is the way we deal with it, and remember to think positive and be optimistic always.


