

日期: 2020年1月21日
來源: FB | Venetian Macao 澳門威尼斯人

張衛健要來澳門啦!2月22日,身兼歌手、演員及主持人的張衛健將在《大帥歌 ─ 張衛健澳門演唱會2020》上,為歌迷帶來《身體健康》等多首經典名曲,還有大熱歌曲《大無畏》~門票將於1月22日早上10點於金光票務發售,歌迷們一起來澳門威尼斯人與他一起喚醒屬於自己的成長記憶吧!

The versatile singer Dicky Cheung is coming to The Venetian Macao on 22 February with his ‘’Dicky Cheung Macao Concert 2020’’! Dicky will perform his classic hits while taking the audience along with him on a walk down memory lane. Tickets will go on sale on 22 January 10am via Cotai Ticketing, stay tuned!

