日期: 2020年8月20日
來源: Star.DickyCheung
近日大佬響應天主教慈善團體籌款活動, 捐贈二手家庭電器及衣物作拍賣之用, 所得收益將捐贈予非牟利社企”MercyHK”,用於為無家者及更新人士提供服務🙏🏻 歡迎大家踴躍參與🤗💝
活動相關網頁 For details👉🏻 https://carousell.com/mercyhk
Recently, Dicky participated in a charity fundraising campaign for a catholic NGO, he donated some second hand electric appliances and clothes for it, the donated funds will be used for the services on helping the homeless people🙏🏻 Let’s join this meaningful campaign🤗💝