

日期: 2020年9月6日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2001年, 經典劇集《小寶與康熙》(台灣譯名為《鹿鼎記》) 播出, 這是其中一個造型, 有沒有覺得大佬看起來有點胖胖的感覺? 非也~ 😆 那是因為拍攝時是寒冬, 故此服裝師特地為演員們將戲服加厚, 希望在拍攝時也能達到保暖的功能🙌🏻 

In 2001, the drama “The Duke of Mount Deer 2000” launched and this is one of Dicky’s styles. You may think Dicky looks a bit chubby in this picture, actually it is not~😆 This drama was filmed in frosty winter, therefore the costumes were designed to be thinker so as to keep the actors warm during filming🙌🏻


