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日期: 2020年11月1日
來源: Star.DickyCheung
11月啦! 11月很重要! 因為是屬於孫悟空的月份🐵 1996年, 大佬拍攝了經典中的經典《西遊記》, 大佬所飾演的孫悟空至今依然是眾多觀眾心目中最有型最可愛最有魅力的美猴王😍 大家認為呢?❤️
It is November! An important month! Because it is the month of Sun WuKong🐵 In 1996, Dicky filmed one of his classic dramas “Journey To The West”, though years passed, Dicky’s Monkey King is still the most handsome, charming and lovable SunWuKong in many people’s heart😍 What do you think?❤️