

日期: 2020年11月18日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

✨2️⃣4️⃣🐒 今天是我們最喜歡的大佬孫悟空的大日子😘 1996年的今天, 劇集《西遊記》首播, 不經不覺來到24週年, 依然讓人津津樂道😁 從師徒四人的日常互動中不難發現他們相互之間的默契和拍攝時所產生的火花, 時而搗蛋, 時而吵鬧, 時而窩心, 這些都為劇集注入了獨一無二的節奏👍🏻 現在再看也依然會發出會心微笑❤️❤️❤️ 

✨2️⃣4️⃣🐒 This is the day for Dicky the Monkey King, our most favourite😘 On today in 1996, the legendary drama “Journey To The West” was launched, time flies and it comes the 24th anniversary😁 Through the interaction between the team, you can easily spot the magic-like chemical reaction on them, all these made the drama became unique and such irreplaceable👍🏻 All the scenes in the clip can still make me laugh and feel warm and happy❤️❤️❤️ 

