

日期: 2020年7月2日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2002年, 在劇集《敗家仔》裡 (其他地區的譯名是《方謬神探》、《神探方天謬》), 大佬飾演擁有雙重人格的「方天謬」, 本來天真傻氣的少爺因一次發燒而釋放了身體裡另一種聰明又帶點奸險的人格出來, 是個亦正亦邪的角色🕺🏻

In 2002, Dicky starred as “Fong Tin Mau” in the drama ”Mr. Winner”, this character is a DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) that the hidden character could be awaken through suffering fever. This is a challenging role since Dicky had to deal with two different styles of acting at the same time, one is silly while the other one is clever🕺🏻

