

日期: 2021年1月31日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

《Bilibala開大喇叭》電台訪問翻譯📻 大佬的成功都是靠他的努力用功, 一點一點累積下來的, 即使只是簡單的一句對白他都會非常用心地下苦功👍🏻👍🏻 這就是我們的大佬🥰

Translated content of Dicky’s radio interview in “Bilibala The Loudspeaker”📻 Dicky’s successful career is a result of his efforts in all these years. Even it is just a simple script, Dicky still spends so much time to think, to figure out the best way to act it👍🏻👍🏻 This is our Dicky🥰

