
【宣傳】⼤師級的奢華按摩體驗 A luxury you can afford

日期: 2019年12月11日
來源: FB | ITSU World (itsuglobal)

A luxury you can afford

ITSU Sensei Essence Neo, ITSU’s latest masterpiece offering 35 auto programs and 4 NEW exclusive ITSU signature programs. Also upgraded with 4 tiers of body scan, allowing it to perform the most precise acupoint massages personalised for everyone in the family.

ITSU Sensei Essence Neo, not just a luxury you can afford, but an investment in your well-being.

全新ITSU Sensei Essence Neo六指禦⼿按摩椅,採⽤4D技術,配 合六輪按摩⼿法,精確對準頭,肩,頸,腰,臀各個部位細⼼照 顧。更設有養⽣⼿部⽳位按摩和勁爽⾜底刮痧,讓您從頭到腳瞬間 得到舒緩。

如今,擁有ITSU Sensei Essence Neo每⽇只需RM9.70,就可以在家享受⼤師級的奢華按摩體驗。

