

日期: 2020年12月27日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2018年,《大帥哥》一劇中, 狄奇大帥被困在監牢, 正在苦思如何逃脫時, 嘴巴就玩起點燃了的火柴🔥 大佬在背後一定練習了很多遍, , 一不小心掉了火柴就麻煩了🙈

In 2018, in the drama “The Learning Curve of A Warlord”, Dicky’s Brother Marshal was trapped in jail, he started to play with the burning match by his mouth when he was figuring possible solutions🔥 Dicky must had spent a lot of time on practicing this acts, or else he would dropped the match easily and then he will be in big trouble🙈


