

日期: 2021年6月12日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2004年, 劇集《吉祥如意》(又叫《天下無雙》), 戴春寅從小就鄙視一夫多妻的行為, 偏偏長大後他卻身不由己地周旋於兩位女子之間。這劇集故事不錯, 值得一看😄

In 2004, Dicky starred as “Tai Chun Yun” (nickname as stupid man) in the drama “The Luckiest Man”, he refused to follow the custom of polygamy, but fate is always unpredictable, he had to face his affection between two women and chose  only one to be his wife. This drama is quite good, worth watching😁


