

日期: 2020年3月2日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

1990年, 大佬續約電視台後得到一個拍攝個人宣傳片的機會, 思量一番後他決定以反串美女作為其中一個造型, 因為他發現作女裝扮相的男士很多時都不夠美艷嬌俏, 所以他就決心要扮作一個不輸女性的美女造型。你地話大佬靚唔靚先? 索唔索先? 正唔正先?😎

In 1990, Dicky got a chance to promote himself in a short film, after thinking he decided to act as a woman in part of his film, because he was so confidence that he can be much much hotter and prettier than a woman. So.... what do you think? 😎

