

日期: 2020年6月7日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2004年, 劇集《伙頭智多星》準備開拍, 特地舉行了「劇集女主角招募大行動」, 大佬提及到分屬好友的劇中拍擋許志安, 有時當Dicky忘記帶銀包, 他會很自然地問安仔借錢應急, 而安仔每次都會很心急的不停催促他還錢😂😂

In 2004, the drama “Magic Chef” was about to start filming, Dicky’s buddy was one of the casts too, Dicky said when he forgot to bring his wallet, he would asked Andy to lend some money for help, but then Andy would urge him many time to give them back😂😂


