

日期: 2020年8月15日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2008年, 大佬為主演的劇集《十大奇冤》主唱片尾曲🌱《小草與玫瑰》🌹 以大自然的花和草去比喻愛情❤️ 相對大佬的其他作品, 這套算是比較冷門的劇集, 所以片尾曲也可能沒有太多人聽過。其實故事發展也有吸引之處, 而大佬充滿感情的聲線也令此歌變得更耐聽👍🏻

In 2008, Dicky sang the ending song 🌱“The Grass and The Rose”🌹 for his drama “The Ten Mysterious Misjudged Cases”, the song uses the nature to tell a love story❤️ Among Dicky’s drama, this is not a popular one, but the story is still attractive, same as the song, it is not popular too but with Dicky’s voice, it is really a touched song👍🏻

