

日期: 2020年8月8日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2001年, 大佬推出以兒歌為主的唱片《機靈反斗小王子》, 為了這張唱片, 大佬特地向媽媽哀求, 希望她能夠借出被珍而重之收藏起來的兒時照片, 放到歌詞本裡與歌迷分享, 其中封面這一張最為珍貴, 攝於大佬兩歲的時候👶🏻

In 2001, Dicky launched this kid song CD, as to match the theme, Dicky asked his mother to lend him his baby photos, so that he could add them into the lyrics book, to share with his fans. Dicky said this photo that used in the cover is the most precious one, this photo was taken when he was two years old and he had only one copy👶🏻


