

日期: 2021年1月12日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

2009年, 大佬與太太張茜於菲律賓舉行婚禮, 今日係張氏伉儷婚禮週年紀念日, 雖然因為疫情令到二人分隔兩地超過一年, 但二人的愛卻不會因距離分隔而影響💕 祝願二人白頭到老幸福一輩子👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻

In 2009, Dicky and Jess held their wedding in the Philippines, it is their wedding anniversary today. Though Dicky and Jess are forced to stay apart in different places for more than a whole year because of the pandemic, their love and bonding are not affected💕 Wish two of them be filled with sweetness always, love forever👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻


