

日期: 2021年1月18日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

大佬的笑容總是有著一種感染力, 也充滿親切感🥰 當疲倦或遇到不如意的時候, 看到他的笑容或聽到他的笑聲時, 就像在吸收開心的能量般🌈「你一笑天地彷彿開朗了,你的臉一沉便感世間陰霾密佈」大概就是這種吧😄

Dicky’s smile seems to be kind of cure when you encounter sadness or tired, his smile is always so bright and cheerful🥰 Dicky is just like the warm shining sun, his smiles have the magic to make you happy and be strong again🌈 Seeing him smile or hearing his laughters can really receive some of positive energy and cheer up again😄

