

日期: 2020年9月15日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

早前大佬到電台接受錄音專訪時, 提及到在1999年拍攝劇集《少年英雄方世玉》時手部所受的傷, 單是聽到大佬的敘述也覺得好痛好痛呀!!! 😱🙈😵  更多的分享就等星期六 (9月19日) 晚上的訪問啦🤩 

Dicky had a radio interview few months ago, when talking about the drama “The Young Hero Fong Sai Yuk” which filmed in 1999, Dicky shared one of his stories, his hand was hurt by a nail on the bamboo rack, seems that I can feel the pain too when listening to Dicky talking about it!!! 😱🙈😵 Wait till this Saturday (19/9) for more sharing🤩

