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發現了煙花的特別意義 ❤

日期: 2019年2月17日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

二人結婚15週年紀念日💕 對於大佬和老闆娘來說, 二月是個充滿紀念的月份😍 因為8號是Dicky的生日, 18號是茜的生日, 而17號又是二人的結婚紀念日 (並不是指菲律賓舉行的那一個喔), 然後再加上14號的情人節😆 今天就為張氏伉儷發放個「愛的煙花」吧😘😘😘🎇🌹💖

15th wedding anniversary💕 February is a special month to Dicky and Jess😍 It is because both of their birthdays are in February, 8th for Dicky whole 18th for Jess, and their wedding anniversary is on 17th (which is different from the one held in the Philippines), plus the Valentine’s Day on 14th, what a busy month😆 Let’s have a fireworks with loads of love for them today😘😘😘🎇🌹💖

