

日期: 2019年8月14日
來源: IG | Star.DickyCheung

1999年, 劇集《少年英雄方世玉》於北京煞科, 為滿足亞洲電視ATV想要提早播出的要求, 因此這劇集當時是在邊拍邊播的情況下播出。而播出後坊間反應熱烈成績不俗, 更打敗了無線電視TVB的慣性收視👍🏻 可算是香港電視史上讓人津津樂道的其中一役😎

In 1999, the drama “The Young Hero Fong Sai Yuk” was requested to be broadcasted earlier by ATV, which means this drama was broadcasted and filmed at the same time. Luckily this did not affect the quality and standard of the outcome👍🏻 This drama was very popular among the audiences, it was a record-breaking of ATV, it even defeated TVB’s record and was marked as one of the milestones in Hong Kong TV history😎

