

日期: 2019年8月20日
來源: IG | Star.DickyCheung

常說「一分耕耘, 一分收穫」, 但大佬相信的則是「兩分耕耘, 一分收穫」✨ 從他一直以來的積極拼勁和敬業態度絕對看得出來❤️ 曾經, 他為了趕進度, 即使患感冒也不去看醫生, 結果引發腎炎致持續發高燒; 曾經, 他為了效果, 就算大病初癒也要挑戰歷來最危險的表演; 曾經, 他為了拍攝MV, 即使畏高、撞到鐵柱也要爬上一幢興建中的十九層高大廈, 凌空在外; 曾經, 他因疲勞過度引致筋腱炎發作未能進行錄影, 於醫院昏睡廿四小時後醒來, 即使需要坐輪椅也堅持去錄影廠向工作人員道歉。成功背後都是一個又一個不足為外人道的經歷💪🏻🌈💖

Dicky believes that there is no gain without pain✨ This can be clearly told from his behaviour and attitude❤️ Once, he kept working even he was having fever and refused to visit the doctor, just because he did not want to delay the filming schedule. Once, he accepted to ride a bicycle up in the sky without using stuntman, at that time he was just recovered from his illness. Once, he climbed up to the 19th floor of a building (under construction) just for filming his MV, though he was afraid of height. Once, he was exhausted and failed to attend the filming, he was sent to hospital and had a deep coma for 24 hours, after he woke up he needed to sit on a wheelchair due to his weakness, but he still insisted to go back to the filming room to give an apologise to everyone because of the inconvenience caused. There are many more untold stories behind Dicky’s great success💪🏻🌈💖

