

日期: 2018年7月21日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

1984年的7月21日, Dicky奪得《第三屆新秀歌唱大賽》冠軍及「最突出台風獎」繼而展開他的演藝之旅。出道34年, 說長不長說短不短, 由剛入行時的「茄喱啡」搖身變成紅遍兩岸三地及東南亞、令台下尖叫連連的⭐️巨星⭐️, 這當中包含了他的多少青春拼勁, 多少堅毅努力, 多少心血汗水.... 💪🏻 從以前的黃毛小子到成為今天膊頭非常有擔當的鮮肉大叔, 事業三起三落的背後必有很多不足為外人道的經歷和體會, 可幸他的熱誠依舊幹勁亦未減, 一直在努力努力努力努力, 一路走來依然為你為我帶來許多許多的歡樂和感動, 在屬於他的專業領域上繼續發光發熱發亮☀️ 張衞健, 我最愛和最欣賞的偶像, 因為有你, 回憶都變得不一樣, 謝謝你💖 說過的就一定會支持你陪你終老😊 主佑🙏😘

On 21 July 1984, Dicky won the champion of the Singing Contest and started his career. Today is Dicky’s 34th debut anniversary⭐️ Dicky had spent all his time and efforts to show his professionalism💪🏻 No matter when facing fears, frustrations, confusions, or during his ups and downs, he is always here to accompany us, to give us lots of joy and happiness, to show us how to make use of positive power to deal with difficulties, just like what he did in his life☀️ Thank you, my dear Dicky, more than happy to have you in my life, you gave us so many memories💖 will surely by your side and support you always, without questions😊 God bless🙏😘#


