

日期: 2019年4月20日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

Dicky引用自聖經的鼓勵:「破傷的蘆葦, 祂不折斷; 將熄的燈芯, 他不吹滅。」願天主保佑天下間每一對夫妻都能活出真正愛的意義。 🙏🏻 擅長搞笑的背後, 擁有的其實是大智慧, 值得細嚼。給個真摯關懷的擁抱💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻❤️

Dicky quoted a phrase from the bible as a conclusion and encouragement, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench.” May God bless every couple to find the way to the meaning of love🙏🏻 Such a wise choice, other than being funny always, there is wisdom too. Big hug💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻❤️

