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日期: 2019年9月23日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

1992年, 於劇集《巨人》中飾演「麥守正」 一角, 其中一幕更以古裝美人的造型亮相, 好姣呀🤣 對白再配合角色性格, 使這一幕顯得更好笑, 入型入格😆 大佬男的時候好靚仔! 而女的時候亦都好靚女啊🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍 男神女神都非大佬你莫屬喇🤩🤤

In 1992, Dicky cross dressed in one of the scenes in the drama “The Key Man”. The scripts and character together with Dicky’s acts made this scene more remarkable and unforgettable😆 Dicky is super awesomely cool when he is a man, and super awesomely pretty at the same time when he is a woman🤣🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍 Love both styles🤩🤤

(來源: 影片截圖)

