
【網絡】Song Dedicated to Wife

日期: 2013年2月12日
來源: Jayne Stars

The Big Four World Tour Live in Hong Kong 2013

The Big Four, comprising of Dicky Cheung (張衛健), Andy Hui (許志安 ), William So (蘇永康) and Edmond Leung (梁漢文) started their 2013 world tour concert at Hong Kong Coliseum on the eve of the Lunar New Year, entertaining the audience not only with their hit songs but also the four friend’s chemistry together.

Last night, The Big Four performed in the second of six concert performances at the Coliseum. One highlight included the four men dressing in each other’s most memorable costumes. William So removed his glasses and dressed as the Monkey King; Dicky Cheung in turn put on a muscleman naked suit, with a checkered cloth covering his vital parts to imitate Andy Hui stripping before the camera; Andy Hui in a sailor suit and Edmond Leung wore the same clothes as William So when he was caught taking drugs in Taiwan more than 10 years ago.

The men had the audience in stitches, especially when Edmond ended up looking more like singer Eddie Ng (吳國敬) than William and Dicky, who could not stop swinging his body and was mocked to look like a sperm. To that, Dicky retorted, “Have you seen a sperm with a head that is inlaid with diamonds?” referring to his diamond-studded bald head. In return, Dicky made fun of William’s dress-up as one of his most popular television character, the Monkey King, saying William looked more like Bobby Yip (八両金) than the Monkey King.

A Tiny Mishap

Forty-eight-year-old Dicky scared fans when he could not hold his weight while doing a reverse push-up, causing his hand to give way and he flopped down onto the stage floor. Fortunately, he did not appear to suffer any sprains nor heavy injury as he jumped straight up and continued his dance.

Song Dedicated to Wife

Ever since Dicky married Jess Zhang (張茜) in 2009, he acknowledged he has not spent much time with his wife. When he spotted Jess in the crowd on the second night of the concert, he shouted, “Hi! Haven’t seen you for a long time! How are you? Because many relatives and friends came to visit over the New Year, we hardly have time for each other. And now I stay over in a hotel in preparation for the concert, so that’s why it seems we haven’t met in a long time.” Addressing his wife again, Dicky continued, “Why don’t we spend tonight together?” much to the audience’s amusement and Jess’ delight.

On a more serious note, Dicky added, “I have experienced many ups and downs. Every time, my wife is by my side. I have only given her a wedding ring but tonight I want to sing this song that I have written especially for her, ‘Hoodlum and his Wife’ <流氓伉儷>.”

The Big Four will continue to perform in Hong Kong for 4 more nights before they move on to the other parts of the world, including heading to Great Britain in March and Malaysia in April.

