

日期: 2018年10月28日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

1996年, 主力在台灣發展的Dicky工作排山倒海, 幾乎每天都在工作接近一年沒有停下來好好休息。Dicky拍攝了一整天劇集《江湖小子》之後也緊接著為演唱會作舞蹈排練至翌日早上, 結果疲勞過度在現場昏倒了, 送院檢查後更是昏睡了超過廿四小時, 偶爾醒來幾秒便又再睡著。及後的第二天, 雖然醫生診斷出他筋腱發炎建議他下半身暫時不要動, 可是他為了履行合約加上拼博的精神, 即使是坐著輪椅吊著鹽水也堅持前往錄影現場, 親身支持綜藝節目的首集拍攝。點送大佬自己的歌《身體健康》給大佬聽😢💪🏻

In 1996, Dicky had his hands all full in Taiwan and almost worked for everyday without enough rest. One day, when he finished filming the drama “The Gang Buddy”, he continued to have dance practice for concert till the next morning, and then he fainted because of exhaustion. Dicky slept for more than 24 hours in the hospital, he was diagnosed with achilles tendonitis as well and doctors suggested him better not to move or exercise. However, due to contract and his strong working spirit, he insisted to go to the filming venue to support the first day filming of the variety show, even he was in the wheelchair and put on drip-feed. Um... Dedicate Dicky’s own song “Good Health” to him😢💪🏻

