

日期: 2019年5月27日
來源: Star.DickyCheung

大佬送你一顆💕😁 由於天氣問題, 大佬在飛機上由中午等到黃昏才能起飛, 足足花了近八小時才從香港飛到北京, 辛苦大佬和美男團喇🙈 與茜一起進行節目錄製加油喔💪🏻

💕 from Dicky😁 Due to the unstable weather, Dicky had to wait from noon to evening on the plane for the departure, it took Dicky and his team for almost 8 hours for the flight from Hong Kong to Beijing🙈 Getting prepared for the filming of the entertainment program with Jess💪🏻

